In order to avoid errors, it is useful to first conduct a CONTROL EXPERIMENT in which we will measure in the same environment and in the same way as our actual experience: The purpose of conducting a control experiment is to observe that the energy gained without permanent magnet movement is less than the electrical energy given before the actual experiment, to see if the experimental setup and resistance values are adjusted correctly. For this purpose, first of all, we cut off the current by opening the switch and closing the switch after touching in order to find the approximate wave duration that we will include in the measurement in the experiment that we will do in a moment, and by the method we described, we found that the time elapsed until the magnet touched the coil winding was 114 ms. We will use this period from the opening of the switch to the time the magnet touches the coil winding in terms of representing the effect of the same amount of time under the same ambient conditions in the actual experiment that we will do later. The fact that this time is a few milliseconds less or more than in the actual experiment does not affect the measurements or make changes to the oscilloscope values, and you can see this with the measurements by trying it out. Here, if we want, we can use the movement time found in the actual experiment as the time in the control experiment, leaving the control experiment to the end by not making this measurement, which we have already made only for the duration, at all. Now that we have found the time we will evaluate, we can proceed to the adjustments of our oscilloscope. The settings of the oscilloscope and the circuit connection will be exactly the same as in the actual experiment that we will do in a moment. We connect one of the probes of the oscilloscope; the blue one is called V in the oscilloscope to symbolize the Voltage \ voltage to measure the voltage coming to our coil winding, and the other yellow probe is called A in the oscilloscope to measure the voltage falling on the 1 ohm resistor, hence the current passing through the system, and to symbolize the current, and connect to the shunt resistor ends as in the circuit shown in the figure. Although the voltage wave is actually the same direction as the wave that will show the current, in order to avoid a short circuit, we must select the invert option, that is, reverse the wave in the voltage probe settings in order to compare the waves more easily, since they will appear in the opposite direction on the oscilloscope, downward, and make their appearance on the screen again in an upward direction, as in the yellow current wave. In the oscilloscope, we select the appropriate amplitude values per unit, suitable for voltage, current and mathematical (Math) function, paying attention to the items I listed above. I set them all up as 2. December per unit I have selected the time interval as 50 milliseconds per unit December. In the integral function used to find the energy spent with the oscilloscope, I chose the wave that will be formed as a result of the function f(x), and not a ready-made wave as a power wave whose area will be measured with the integral in this way. 1. after choosing the product of (AxB) as a function of f(x) in the operation, 1 for f(x)-A. For the channel and f(x)-B, 2. We select the channel, that is, we multiply the Current and Voltage. The wave that will be formed is the Wave of Electrical Power Expended, and the measurement of the area under this electrical power wave generated in a certain period of time, that is, the integral process, gives us the total electrical energy that we expend. In summary, in this way, we first give the oscilloscope the command to multiply the current and voltage and create a power wave, but without showing me the resulting wave, show the energy spent on this wave relative to time with a purple wave. Now let's start measuring. First, we switched the Oscilloscope to single(single scan) mode. Again, in order to create similar ambient conditions as in the experiment that we will actually do, we fix the permanent magnet at a distance of half of our total distance of 5 centimeters, that is, 2.5 centimeters, so that it does not move at all when current is applied in the middle, because even a few millimeters of movement can cause incorrect measurement values with the formation of opposite emf. Dec. I will put a plastic piece with a width of 2.5 inches together to fix it with an easy method and start and end the current while compressing the magnet between the coil winding. Decoupling. Decoupling. Thus, on average, we will have created the same distance from the coil winding and the same interaction environment as in the actual experiment. Although, as far as I can see from comparative measurements, the position of the magnet, even whether it is in the environment, almost never creates an observable change, but we still found it useful to make comparisons in this way in terms of providing the same environmental conditions. We turned the switch on and off in a time that will not be very different from the permanent magnet movement time in the actual experiment that we will do in a moment. Waves were formed on the oscilloscope screen, including those after the moment of touching. First of all, since our shunt resistance and the actual coil winding resistance are both 1 ohm, the amplitude value of the two should be equal except for the initial end parts, that is, the blue wave indicating the voltage and the yellow wave indicating the current should run in a row and parallel except for the wave beginnings and endings. It is also worth noting that the coil winding and shunt resistance values can show resistance with a margin of error of several milliohms, not exactly 1 ohm, that is, 1000 mili ohms during measurement. Again, the heat resistance differences caused by electrical noise and current in the environment can be reflected on the coil winding and shunt resistance in such a way as to create different amplitude changes. The fact that the blue wave amplitude proportional to the Energy Spent in the coil winding is slightly higher in some parts than the yellow wave amplitude proportional to the Thermal Energy released in the coil will indicate less magnetic energy gained against us, but small differences here will not change the experimental result. The most important point to know here is that the opposite, that is, the wave amplitude indicating the Current indicated by a yellow wave, and then the coil heat energy made by squaring this amplitude with a blue wave, should not be greater than the wave amplitude indicating the voltage and the spent electrical energy. If it turns out to be too much incorrectly, by calculations or trial and error if necessary, by increasing the number of windings in the coil winding or by connecting materials in series that will serve as additional resistance to the coil winding ends, it should be made that the voltage falling on the coil winding increases its amplitude, therefore, and, as it should be, the energy spent on the coil winding will not be less than the heat energy of the coil Oct. If we do not have a milliohmmeter when adjusting the amount of coil winding, here we wind the blue voltage wave with an amplitude proportional to the amount of resistance on the coil winding with 1 ohm resistance, except for the yellow wave showing the shunt resistance and the parts showing the beginning and end, with trial and error, we will set the coil winding resistance equal to the shunt resistance, that is, 1 ohm, with the help of an oscilloscope, so that we see it to be exactly the same amplitude, that is, exactly overlapping and parallel. Now let's look at the electrical energy spent on the oscilloscope that we have set up. Here we select the beginning of the integral calculation with the cursor in the oscilloscope, that is, the beginning of the wave, and then we bring the cursor to 114 ms, which is the time we found just now in terms of the exact same conditions as in our actual experience, as the end time point, and we select the same cursor as Math and put it at the top, end point of the purple wave, which shows the integral result. We found that an electrical energy of 4.18 joules was expended in this way.
2 On the same waves to find the energy gained now or the coil heat energy released. Let's move on to the mathematical process. The only difference in this calculation is that only f(x)-B is 1, so that it multiplies the current wave by the current wave again, not by the voltage. Change it to a channel. The locations of the cursors where we select the measurement start and end point of the wave and all other settings are the same. The reason we do this is that we are based on the formula (I2 x R x t) to find out how much energy we gain versus the energy spent and, first of all, the coil heat losses. If we expand the formula a little here (I2 x R x t) = Current (Current x multiplication of the result of the ohmic resistance) x is time. It also = Current(I) x static current state and the voltage(V) x time falling on the coil wire under pure ohmic resistance state (t). By static state, we mean the times when the intensity and direction of the current do not change, except for the beginning and ending moments of the direct current, with a constant amplitude that has reached equilibrium. Since we set the pure ohmic resistance value of our coil winding to R=1 ohm, and multiplying the current by 1 in the formula does not change the result, when we multiply the current wave by the current wave in the oscilloscope, we actually find the power wave(P) spent on heat loss by multiplying the voltage wave(V) that falls on the coil winding ends with the current wave(I), which is not actually necessary for us, or with the static state when the current no longer changes, we find the power wave(P) that is spent on heat loss by multiplying the voltage wave(V) that falls on the coil winding ends. Oct Oct of course, in addition to the fact that the coil wire in our experience has not been wound because it has not been wound straight, electromagnetic interaction and additional losses occur with dynamic changes such as the moments of starting and ending the current, and the total voltage falling on the coil winding ends, as in our experience, is greater than this pure ohmic resistance voltage value, but the amount of power and energy spent on heat loss is also calculated as we have shown for these times and does not change. In this way, we find the electrical energy spent on heat in the coil winding with the mathematical integral operation in the oscilloscope in this power wave generated against time. With calculations in this way, we find the energy spent on Coil Heat Losses to be 3.58 joules.
The energy spent on heat here is also the heat energy gained, and this should not be higher than the energy spent on winding the coil, which is the main reason we did the control experiment to see this. Yes, as can be seen, the energy spent on the coil winding seems to be equal to, not less than, the coil heat energy gained as desired. In fact, since there was a very small amount of additional electromagnetic losses, especially during switching, we should have Dec Oct the Coil Heat Energy less than the energy expended, but the difference was not numerically reflected in the calculations, as our oscilloscope was even less than the next scale increase value in the integral mathematical operation we used in the energy calculation. In our oscilloscope, we found by experimenting with decreases and increases that the mathematical minimum integral increment value is 0.08 units after the values we have selected, or 0.08 joules for our experiment, so that it will vary according to the values we have selected per unit December, and therefore a difference under this value is not reflected in the result. If such a difference had already been found, the result would not have changed again, except for a slight prolongation of the calculations. In our original experiment, we would have started with a loss of as much as this value, but we would have added this value to the Total amount of Energy Gained in our actual experience as the Electromagnetic Losses we saw or gained, and therefore the result would not change again. Thus, we have seen that our experimental setup is working correctly or that there is no error that will change the result, and now we can move on to our main experiment, in which we will measure energy in the same way.
Now let's move on to our MAIN EXPERIMENT: we are trying not to change the location of the stand because the environment in the control experiment should not change. As we said, we made the oscilloscope settings exactly the same as in the first control experiment measurement. Now we start the current by pressing our main switch(i.e. A1). As the magnet rapidly approaches the coil winding, the stretched wire in the Switch (A2) position will contact each other with the front side of the magnet before 1 cm, completing the circuit for a short time, and a peak wave will occur with the activation of the mini October coil winding inside. When the magnet moves a little further, the connection of the two wires will be disconnected and the mini coil will be deactivated, so the moment of touching can be observed more clearly. Yes, when I turned the switch(A1) on and then turned it off, current and voltage waves were generated as follows. As can be seen, the current wave due to the opposite emf generated by the magnet on the coil winding, especially when the magnet approaches the coil winding, the current wave is inclined downwards, while the voltage wave is inclined upwards. Let's do the mathematical calculations we made in exactly the same way as what I described in the first control experiment measurement above, respectively. With calculations in this way, we find the Electrical Energy Spent on winding the coil to be 4.18 joules, and the energy spent on Coil Heat Losses without changing the starting and ending point of the cursor to be 3.58 joules.
Now let's calculate the final velocity and kinetic energy of our permanent magnet at the moment when it touches the coil winding. First, we will take a closer look at the yellow colored wave that we use to measure the current. So why did we use the wave that shows current and not voltage, because artifacts form less on this wave and there is no delay in time. For this reason, the additional peak wave and the moment of Oct can be observed more clearly and accurately. As can be seen, we see an upward peak or wave group that disrupts the normal slope towards the end of the wave. After touching the magnet of the wire that acts as a switch in this wave group, sometimes it can cause time gaps to appear, sometimes Decaying to the normal reference wave level, where there is no current in the mini coil, due to the negativities on its surface and the lack of transmission in the switch. This peak wave starting point shows the distance of the permanent magnet 1 cm to our actual coil winding. As we can see more clearly in the wave showing the current, the first moment when the wave starts to move in parallel while it is moving downwards shows the moment when the magnet touches the coil winding. Now we are setting the time as December 2 ms /unit in order to make more accurate time measurement. With the cursor, I measured the interval between the peak onset and the moment of Deceleration as 9.64 ms. Therefore, we calculated that the permanent magnet takes a distance of 1 cm at 9.64 ms when approaching the coil winding, so the average speed of the permanent magnet in this December is 1.03 m/ sec when we divide the path taken by the formula ((V =X/ t), that is, 1 cm by this time.
We can see the described ones again on the Speed\Time-location graph as follows. As can be seen from the graph, of course, the final speed that we need to use at the moment of touching and in the actual calculations will be more than the average speed in the December that starts with 1 cm left, but since we can show that we have gained enough magnetic energy to provide proof even at this lower speed that we use in the calculations, we are reducing our margin of error even more in this way. In order to find the gained kinetic energy from the formula 1\2 MV2, we find the value of 1.44 kg when we measure the mass of the magnet with a digital sensitive scale. When replaced in the formula, we find the value 1\2 x 1.44 x 1.032 = 0.76 joules. To find the potential energy gained by the magnet due to its upward rise due to the movement of the pendulum, we use the formula m x w x h, that is, mass x gravitational acceleration (which is 9.81) x height. Here, when we turn off the switch with the height of the magnet in the first position with the ruler and measure the height adjacent to the coil winding after the electric current is applied, we find that the difference between Deceleration, that is, the amount of elevation ( 20 – 14) = 6 mm. When we replaced the values in the formula, we found a value of 1.44 kg x 9.81 x 0.006 meters (6 mm) = 0.08 joules. Now let's find our total energy gained = (Energy Gained Due to Coil Heat Loss + +Detectable Additional Electromagnetic Losses + Kinetic Energy Gained by the Magnet + Potential Energy Gained by the Magnet) When we replace the values of the total energy gained Oct 3.58 +0.76+0.08 we find that= 4.42 joules. Against this, the Electrical Energy we Spent in the coil winding was 4.18 joules. When we subtract the total energy gained from this value, we have thus seen the existence of an energy that seems to be 4.42 – 4.18 = 0.24 joules more, as shown in the table by means of this experiment.
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