Both axial and radial
magnetic interaction is the biggest advantage of this motor. As it is known, conventional electric motors provide rotational movement
with radial flux magnetic interaction on the sides of the rotating shaft. In
addition, in recent years, Axial flux electric motors, which operate by
magnetic interaction on the front and back of the rotating shaft, not on the
sides, have also been used.
In ABAY type electric motor by wrapping the entire rotor 360 degrees, both radial and axial interactions can be made at the same time, unlike other winding techniques, a stronger repulsion and atraction and interaction is provided by interacting in the perpendicular axis to the poles, which provides less repulsion and atraction force apart from the poles of the permanent magnet, thus efficiency increases. Although the repulsion and atraction forces are less in the axis perpendicular to the poles of the permanent magnets, this force can even exceed 50% of the poles, especially in the parts of the pole side ends, especially near the corners, as the length of the permanent magnet pole axis becomes shorter compared to the length on the other axis, and therefore, an additional force that is not negligible can be generated. Since each separate stator winding completely encloses the rotor, the magnetic flux escape is less. For this reason, the next period of movement can be continued by giving current to the coil winding in the second stator, not the one in the same stator. . Therefore, the motor has a multi-stator and rotor structure with independent magnetic interactions. As it can be understood from the examination report of the Turkish Patent Institute applied with these features, it is different from all other electric motors in terms of interaction and general structure.
Since the product of dynamic interactions and
multiplying of magnetic pole strenghts create mechanical power and energy in a
certain proportion, in order for the motors to be the most efficient, I focused on designs that could use as
much intense magnetic energy as possible and keep the electrical energy we give
as little as possible. Since there is no restriction in electric motors as
in generators, I have observed that the efficiency increases gradually, in line
with my hypothesis, with designs that will increase the permanent magnet
electromagnet interaction and with larger, stronger magnets, even if it is less
than the increase in Magnetic Pole Strenght In my studies, because of I
have determined that the strong ferromagnetic property of the iron used in the
stator coil winding core limits the use of large permanent magnets with high
energy density, I continued to work realizing that a motor should be built
without using an iron-containing core electromagnet in the motor stator. Because
a very strong permanent magnet magnetizes the used ferromagnetic material
forming the core in the coil winding, with the effect that the closest side to
itself forms the opposite pole and tending to oppose the poles of the
electromagnet formed by the electric current supplied at some times of the
period, while moving towards increasing efficiency up to a certain size, it
does not increase efficiency afterwards, it can reduce efficiency due to
reasons such as the excess area it covers changes the design negatively, iron
losses and increase in weight even the permanent magnet of the iron-containing
core drags the system towards immobility after a certain limit due to its
strong desire to attract itself. In order to overcome these limitations, by
increasing the ratio of permanent magnet sourced magnetic energy/supplied
electrical energy in many different designs and power motors, which I made
without using ferromagnetic core in their stators, finally with the motor
efficiency levels achieved in the so-called Abay type electric motor, it has
been reached to the levels where we can observe that more than the electrical
energy we give can be taken as the sum of mechanical, mechanical vibration,
wind and heat energy.
It can be predicted that the upper version of the motor with a similar but
not fully finalized prototype, which will have ferrous
cores in its rotors, whose first experimental measurements were made, but whose
completion could not be realized without an industrial production environment,
will be more efficient and powerful instead of coreless type, as in the slotless motors
Yorum Gönder